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Newsroom widgets


Need to organize, archive or display news articles? Show users your most recent news and allow them to easily find older stories.

contentTypeWidgetNOTE: This is a reusable content type widget, which means it is dependent upon content you've first created as a content type from the dashboard menu.



There are multiple ways to display newsroom widgets, which you can find by choosing Edit, going to the List Settings tab and selecting under List Template. The examples below show articles displayed as a list and as tiles:

Article Display

ArtificiaI Intelligence Opportunities, Risks and Dangers

Article Title Display

ArtificiaI Intelligence Opportunities, Risks and Dangers

Article No Summary Display

ArtificiaI Intelligence Opportunities, Risks and Dangers

Simple Tile Display

ArtificiaI Intelligence Opportunities, Risks and Dangers

Featured Stories Display

ArtificiaI Intelligence Opportunities, Risks and Dangers

Media Left Display

ArtificiaI Intelligence Opportunities, Risks and Dangers

Article Name Display

ArtificiaI Intelligence Opportunities, Risks and Dangers

Grey background media left

ArtificiaI Intelligence Opportunities, Risks and Dangers

How to

Create an article

The Newsroom widget is a reusable content type. This means that all of the articles displayed with this widget have to first be created in the "Content" area of your dashboard. The follow steps will walk you through creating an article. 

  1. From your Sitefinity dashboard, click the "Content" tab located at the top of your webpage and select Newsroom.
  2. You should already have a newsroom created.
    1. If not, click the option to "Create a Newsroom". Name the newsroom, publish, and click on the newsroom or articles link.
    2. If so, click on the newsroom or the articles link. Both options go to the same area. 
  3. Click the option to create an article.
  4. Give your article a title and subhead.
  5. If you are choosing to display article from an outside source, use the "External Source Article" option. 
  6. Enter an "Original Publication Date". This is the date that displays on the article regardless of the date that it is created in Sitefinity.  
  7. Fill in the article information and article summary information. The summary appears as a preview when not displaying the full article in the widget.
  8. Add an author byline.
  9. Add Featured article options. Be sure to choose the media type you would like to display.
    1. PLEASE NOTE: Featured images should be 850px wide in order to display properly in the full detail view for articles.
  10. Select options for tagging.
    1. Options include campus, school or college, target audience, related degree programs, categories and the ability to create your own tag. 
  11. Finally, add social media and SEO tagging to increase your search results. 
  12. Publish



Use the widget

Drag the articles widget from the right column onto the page. The entire newsroom library will appear.

Dragging newsroom widget to content area


Choose Edit and in the Content tab, select which articles you want to display.

Newsroom widget settings - content tab

Then, in the List Settings tab, choose how many articles to display, the order and the list template (how multiple articles display on a page).

List settings for Newsroom

Lastly, in the Single item settings tab, choose between 2 detail templates. This is how individual articles display once site visitors click on them.

The default behavior for the detail template is "Article", which allows you to use whatever image size you have added as is. The other option is the "Article Hero" template which includes a highlighted horizontal full-width hero image.  

Single item settings for newsroom

You can further customize the Articles widget by selecting which fields to display. To adjust the fields that are displayed, select the Properties button toward the bottom right.

Articles widget - properties button

Then select or deselect the fields to be displayed. The fields that can be shown/hidden are: article summary, author byline, display topics, and category.

Articles widget - field options

Search and filtering

The newsroom widget allows optional text search and filtering at the top of the widget for a more simplified user experience. 

ArtificiaI Intelligence Opportunities, Risks and Dangers

Search and filter options give site visitors the ability to type in title, subhead or summary and select categories in order to pare down the list of news articles displayed by applicable criteria. To enable search and/or filtering, please do the following: 

While editing the page, click Edit on the news article widget and select Filter at the bottom.

Newsroom content tab settings


Select which options you would like to implement. 

Newsroom Search and filter options


Save your changes.

Additional Information


Display an article from another source

Use the "External Source Article" option when displaying an article from another source. This will display the article as a place holder on your webpage but send users straight to the source when they click on it.

You can still choose to display an image under "Feature article options". When displaying an image with an external source, be sure to use the "External source article link" so the image is only displayed in the preview of the article. Choosing to add the URL to the article field will result in a full page width image with only the link displayed when users click on the article.

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