Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
UC Anschutz Medical Campus
Research/Industry Interest
Innovative spine and musculoskeletal treatmentsAffiliations
Computer Science, UC Denver
Research/Industry Interest
Parallel Processing, Algorithms and languagesAffiliations
Computer Science, UC Denver
Research/Industry Interest
Big data management and miningAffiliations
Computer Science, UC Denver
Research/Industry Interest
Machine learningAffiliations
Civil Engineering, UC Denver
Research/Industry Interest
Sustainability and Energy efficient buildingsAffiliations
Computer Science, CU Boulder
Research/Industry Interest
Smart materials and embed sensingAffiliations
CEO, Assistive Technology Industry Association
Research/Industry Interest
Government education and national policy issues AccessibilityAffiliations
Prentke Romich Company and Saltillo Corporation
Research/Industry Interest
Augmentative/alternative communication technologiesAffiliations
Sunrise Medical
Research/Industry Interest
Medical devices and product developmentAffiliations
Bioengineering, UC Denver
Research/Industry Interest
Cardiac and pulmonary imaging diagnostics / experimental and computational modelingAffiliations
Orthopaedic Surgery, UC Anschutz Medical Campus
Research/Industry Interest
Improving techniques and the use of technology in spine surgeryAffiliations
Bioengineering, UC Denver
Research/Industry Interest
Advanced medical image processing and biomedical device designAffiliations
Bioengineering, UC Denver
Research/Industry Interest
Computer Science, CU Boulder
Research/Industry Interest
Evaluation methods in user interface design and cognitive assistive technologyAffiliations
Computer Science, UC Denver
Research/Industry Interest
Mobile and Pervasive Sensing, Smart and Connected HealthAffiliations
Rehabilitation Technology, U of Toronto
Research/Industry Interest
Pervasive computing and intelligent systems in healthAffiliations
Utah State University, EE
Research/Industry Interest
Power electronics and wireless power transferAffiliations
Orthopaedic Spine Surgery, UC Anschutz Medical Campus
Research/Industry Interest
Spine surgery and new implantable technologies for the spineAffiliations
Cell and Developmental Biology, UC Anschutz Medical Campus
Research/Industry Interest
Social Assistive RoboticsAffiliations
Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital
Research/Industry Interest
chronic cholestatic, genetic/metabolic and mitochondrial liver diseases of infancy and childhoodAffiliations
Creatability, LLC
Research/Industry Interest
Integration of wireless sensors with software systems to provide and monitoringAffiliations
Assistive Technology Industry Association, COO
Bioengineering, UC Denver
Research/Industry Interest
Mechatronic design and control of artificial hand/arm replacementsAffiliations
Mechanical Engineering, UC Denver
Research/Industry Interest
Computational fluid mechanicsAffiliations
Chair, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Research/Industry Interest
Embedded computing architectures, Software for embedded computingAffiliations
IBM Research
Research/Industry Interest
Artificial Intelligence, aging, and Assistive Technologies