SEHD Research Presentations at AACTE’s Annual Meeting
Julia Cummings | School of Education and Human Development Mar 25, 2024.jpg?sfvrsn=4a81cebb_1)
In mid-February, 18 CU Denver School of Education & Human Development faculty, staff, students, and alums presented impressive research at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) 2024 Annual Meeting at the Gaylord of the Rockies in Aurora. AACTE’s annual conference is designed to advance skills and knowledge to propel the education profession into the future. SEHD experts shared their research and supported an interchange of ideas and intensive discussions with scholars based in other higher education contexts.
On Feb. 15, Dean Marvin Lynn and Dr. Margarita Bianco each received the AACTE DTW Legacy Award for outstanding efforts to increase educator diversity. This award was created to honor individuals whose research, scholarship and expertise continue to move the field towards equitable outcomes for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) educators and administrators. In addition, conference attendees were transported to St. Vrain Valley Schools where Dr. Cindy Gutierrez, Dr. Jody Tucker and SEHD alum Kaylynn Haydon highlighted a local “grow your own” SEHD partnership that is deeply preparing and diversifying the teacher workforce. Haydon talked extensively about how SEHD’s NxtGEN program prepared her extremely well to become a teacher, highlighting the coherence of the program and the connectedness between field experiences.
The following day, SEHD alum Susana Cordova (MA, ’00), Colorado’s Education Commissioner, delivered a compelling opening keynote address titled “Starting Strong: Improving Student Outcomes through Focused Educator Preparation” to hundreds of conference attendees. Andrew Dutch, SEHD PhD student, presented a case study featuring an example of “The Educative Double-bind" in a music education scenario. The ASPIRE to Teach team led by Dr. Suzanne Arnold and Dr. Jennifer Fox discussed how alternative teacher education and traditional teacher education programs can learn together with the goal of innovating. Gutierrez discussed integrating the science of learning into teacher apprenticeships during a panel discussion. Later in the day, Gutierrez presented a scholarly paper about mentoring for equity and excellence. Finally, Dean Marvin Lynn moderated an enlightening panel discussion about diversifying the ranks of higher education faculty and leaders.
Conference sessions on February 17 featured Stacy R. Cook-LaPointe, PhD student, who presented on partnerships with field placement sites to improve trauma informed and equity practices. Dr. Susan Connors led a discussion around giving students voice on an education policy around teacher education stipends. Dr. Valerie Sherman, Dr. Cindy Gutierrez, Dr. Barbara Seidl, Alfredo Gallegos with SEHD and Rana Brown with Otero College discussed strategies that work in rural educator preparation.
During the final day of the conference, Dr. Robin Brandehoff led a forum about her research in Hawaii which documents a loving way of teaching that she calls Hānai Pedagogy. Gutierrez presented on a panel focused on state-funded mentor teacher training. Finally, Dr. Kent Seidel invited an audience to consider relevant ways to support new teachers’ wellbeing and success.
Congratulations to everyone who crafted and shared compelling research stories at AACTE. From comments made during the Q&A sessions, it was clear that fellow conference attendees were deeply influenced by the groundbreaking research and influencing practices coming out of SEHD.