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Accessibility Cleanup Tool

Image showing Accessibility Cleanup Tool in Sitefinity Toolbar

A new Accessibility Cleanup tool has been added into Sitefinity for the new kendo editor. This can be used for the Content Block Widget as well as rich text content type fields and can be used to automatically check for and remove any of the following elements:

  • Empty Links (links not containing visible text)
  • Empty Headers
  • Empty Ordered and/or Unordered List Elements

Additionally, the tool will automatically set the alt text of images to decorative, this will only occur if there is an image detected that does already have alt text present.

In order to use the tool, you simply need to manually click on the tool to have it automatically check for and remove/edit elements. You can then review the code in html editor by clicking on "View Html" button on the upper right of the toolbar to verify that empty elements have been successfully removed or edited as intended.



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