Teaching Innovation Grants - Open NOW until 11/6/24

What would take your teaching from ordinary to EXTRAORDINARY?

Explore, implement or evaluate emerging techniques, technologies or practices with support from a Teaching Innovation Grant.

The Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning (CETL), as part of the Teaching Innovation and Program Strategy (TIPS) Division, is excited to share this call for proposals for the Fall 2024 cycle of Teaching Innovation Grants.

This call is open to faculty from all academic disciplines, ranks, and appointments, including IRC faculty; we welcome all faculty to submit a grant proposal and hope to have diverse representation from across our campus.

CU Denver has a rich history of innovative teaching by expert faculty with a wide range of experiences, perspectives, and ideas. Your ideas have the power to transform our students’ learning—and we are excited to support you as you explore innovations in teaching and technology at CU Denver.

We have two funding cycles each academic year:

  • Fall Cycle: Apply by mid April; funding available July 1 to December 30.
  • Spring Cycle: Apply by late October; funding available January 2 to June 30.

Applications are now OPEN until November 6th, 2024.

This grant cycle will be around $20,000 available for dispersal in individual awards of up to $1,000, distributed through professional development accounts.  Please note that faculty cannot use these grants to fund personnel such as Teaching Assistants (TAs) or Research Assistants (RAs).

Please save the contents of your application.
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There are four categories for Teaching Innovation Grant proposals:

Grant Category
Pedagogy and Teaching Practice Innovations Proposals in this category focus on emerging pedagogies and teaching practices and are not limited in scope—everything from a technique for a single class session to formal pedagogical frameworks are included and encouraged.
Professional Learning Opportunities Proposals in this category are focused on professional growth, and can include opportunities such as professional organization memberships, conference attendance, workshops, online courses, and/or other learning opportunities focused on teaching practice.
Technology Innovations Proposals in this category focus on academic, social, and/or other emerging technologies. Technologies can include software, web applications, mobile applications, hardware, and other technologies relevant to teaching practice in any modality/context. *
Inclusive Pedagogy Practice Proposals in this category will pursue improvements to teaching practice to provide more equitable and inclusive learning experiences for our students. Proposals can include professional development centered on inclusive pedagogical training or funds needed to redesign course(s) toward more inclusive pedagogies. Applicants are encouraged to propose ideas that go beyond these examples.

*Technology proposals with new technologies are subject to security review/approval from OIT; please also note that new technologies may not receive centralized support from OIT and academic technology.

Timeline and Review Process

If you are interested in submitting a Teaching Innovations Grant proposal, submissions are open now through November 1st.

Required proposal materials include:

  • a description of the project or opportunity (200 words)
  • the category of your grant proposal
  • funding amount requested
  • a brief plan for gathering and sharing your results and/or reflections (150 words)
  • and a brief statement on how your proposal could advance teaching innovation, both for you personally and for our broader community of teachers at CU Denver.

Proposals will be reviewed by a collaborative group of faculty and TIPS Division staff. To ensure that the selection process is fair, inclusive, and timely, the review committee will use the following rubric when reviewing proposals:

Review CriteriaLimited (1)
Moderate (2)
Strong (3)
Proposal description outlines a unique innovation or opportunity related to teaching innovation at CU Denver
Funding request is appropriate to the scope of the proposal    
Proposal includes a clear plan for gathering and sharing results and/or reflections
Proposal is positioned to advance teaching innovation personally and within the broader CU Denver community


Please reach out to us at TIPS@ucdenver.edu with any questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Division for Teaching Innovation and Program Strategy (TIPS)

CU Denver

City Heights/Learning Commons

1191 Larimer St

3rd Floor Learning Commons

Denver, CO 80204

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