Swipe Out Hunger


Swipe Out Hunger is a national nonprofit committed to eliminating food insecurity for students on college campuses across the country. CU Denver has partnered with Swipe Out Hunger and Lynx Dining to offer free meal swipes to students needing food assistance. Any CU Denver student may self-nominate themselves to request campus meal swipes from our Meal Swipe Bank, even if they do not live in the residence halls.



Note: You must be enrolled as a current CU Denver student and cannot have an active meal plan to request Swipe Out Hunger meals. Each recipient can receive ten swipes per semester applied to your Lynx ID. Swipes cannot be transferred or utilized for anyone other than the approved Swipe Out Hunger recipient. Any unused swipes will roll over within the same academic year but will not roll over into a new academic year. Any incomplete applications will not be approved.  

Fill out this form to apply: https://ucdenverdata.formstack.com/forms/swipe_out_hunger_student_meal_request_form

Where Can I Use My Meal Swipes? 

Meal swipes may be used at either CU Denver Dining Hall - City Heights or Lynx Crossing during their operational hours. Please see the map below (circled in red).  Please visit the Housing & Dining page for more details. 

map of the Auraria campus with the CU Denver dining halls circled in red

Additional Resources:

Wellness & Recreation Services

CU Denver

Lola & Rob Salazar Student Wellness Center

1355 12th Street

Denver, CO 80204


303.315.WELL (9355)

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