A Tall Order: All things SWAAAC!
Nov 30, 2023
The Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering has partnered with the Colorado Department of Education for over 25 years to provide assistive technology (AT) support to professionals in Colorado K-12 public schools. There are over 100,000 Colorado students with Individual Education Programs (IEPs) and over 400 SWAAAC team members ensuring students who require AT devices and services have what they need to access their education. That is a tall order Colorado! So, the SWAAAC program has assembled a gourmet menu of services, supports, and resources that can all be accessed from the SWAAAC.org website. Here are just a few popular selections from the menu:
- Monthly webinars
- Workshops
- Conference for Assistive Technology and Education 2024
SWAAAC Foundations Learning Guide (for those just getting started in Educational AT)
- AT and the IEP
- AT Assessment
- Implementing AT in the Classroom
- AT and Transition
- Accessible Educational Materials
SWAAAC YouTube Channel for recordings of recent trainings
Browse the AT Loan Library Catalog
- To learn about AT devices and view curated demonstration videos
- Checkout the library of adapted digital books available to everyone
- Download a collection of assessment tools and protocols
SWAAAC on Facebook and Instagram
Contact Us
- Find your local school district or (the Board of Cooperative Educational Services) BOCES SWAAAC Team Coordinator
- Call or email the central office for technical assistance and all things SWAAAC