Leaders in Technology, Disability and Aging

Creating Accessibility Solutions

CIDE accessibility and usability experts provide deep insight into the accessibility of your products and services. From concept to commercialization we can help you navigate accessible product development, comply with regulatory requirements, co-develop delightful experiences for customers of all abilities including seniors aging into disabilities.

Deeply immersed in state of the art technologies for disability. Since 1996, our engineers and clinicians have worked closely together to meet the assistive technology needs of people across the lifespan. This unique environment provides access to a wide range of individuals eager to help you make products to improve their lives.

a woman drives her chair using a joystick

Specialty Clinical Services

Our expert clinicians support the health, safety and independence of people with disabilities

We provide assistive technology assessments, intervention and training in a multidisciplinary team setting for children and adults with:

  • Physical disabilities
  • Complex communication needs
  • Sensory impairments, and
  • Learning and cognitive difficulties
Learn more about our Clinical services


User Experience Testing

Our usability expertise will help you design your products so they will be used

We provide, population specific, user experience data and analysis needed to

  • Evaluate product design concepts
  • Identify user interface issues
  • Focus product design requirements
  • Drive product innovation

…and we do it all from a user experience vision aligned with the strategic goals of your business.

Learn more about our Usability services

html code: alt=accessibility is the right thing to do!

Accessibility Consulting

Our accessibility experts provide a clear path to accessible websites and products

We provide strategic planning, requirements development, testing and remediation services focused on:

  • Website accessibility
  • Document, exam and materials accessibility
  • Selection, acquisition, implementation and training on assistive technologies.

Create great brand experiences for all your customers regardless of ability

Learn more about our Accessibility services

Additional Services 


Request Assistance

Email: CIDE@ucdenver.edu

Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering (CIDE)

CU Denver

The Hub, Bioengineering

1224 5th Street

Suite 130

Denver, CO 80204


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