All MPH students are required to complete a capstone. During the capstone experience, you'll complete an independent project that demonstrates the skills and competencies you've acquired as an MPH student and provide a high-quality deliverable to your host site. Practicum and capstone projects can be with the same host site, but it's not required.
The capstone project is the culminating experience of your MPH—show off what you've learned!
Requirements and processes vary depending on your home campus. Please review the information below to find specific requirements and resources for students on each of our three campuses.
Our practice-based learning courses (practicum and capstone) are designed to allow students to apply their knowledge and skills in a public health setting, acquire additional skills, and demonstrate competencies. Therefore, we strongly discourage students from completing their practicum and/or capstone at their current place of employment. Students who are considering a practicum placement and/or capstone project at their current place of employment, should reach out to their campus contact (please find contact information below) to discuss the opportunity. To explore funding opportunities and scholarships, please visit the financing your education page.
We recommend that MPH students complete their practicum (PUBH 6606) prior to completing their capstone. Please review the "steps to complete" sections below—and complete the required steps—before registering for the capstone course(s).
Students whose home campus is CU Anschutz are required to take two capstone courses—first, the capstone preparation course (BIOS/EPID/EHOH/HSMP/CBHS 6990) and then the capstone integration course (PUBH 6991).
We encourage our students to explore funding resources for their practicum and/or capstone. Students may apply for funding opportunities including, but not limited to:
To learn more about these funding opportunities and how to apply, please visit the financing your education page.
The first step in completing your capstone project is taking your department’s capstone preparation course (BIOS/EPI/HSMP/CBH/EHOH 6690).
During this course, you'll:
Please review the course schedule on the courses and registration page to find out when your department's capstone preparation course is offered. The course number (6690) will be the same for all prep courses, with different prefixes for each department (ex: BIOS, EPI, etc.)
Please note: You are encouraged to either have already completed, or be enrolled in, your practicum when you enroll in the capstone preparation course (6990). You may complete your practicum and capstone with the same host site but it is not required.
After you have satisfactorily completed the capstone preparation course and have an approved capstone proposal, you can register for the capstone integration course (PUBH 6991).
During this course, you will complete your capstone project. You and fellow students from other concentrations will orally present the results of your project at the Colorado SPH Public Health Forum. You will also develop a high-quality abstract and written deliverable.
Please note: You must have an approved capstone proposal and have satisfactorily completed the capstone preparation course before you can enroll in PUBH 6991: Capstone Integration.
Funding resources
We encourage our students to explore funding resources for their practicum and/or capstone. Students may apply for funding opportunities including, but not limited to:
To learn more about these funding opportunities and how to apply, please visit the financing your education page.
Once you've taken the pre-capstone Canvas course and you have an approved capstone plan, you will need to enroll in the capstone course—PBHC 6980.
During this course, you will complete your capstone project. You will present the results of your project in a variety of formats including written report, abstract, other communication modalities, and an oral presentation at the ColoradoSPH at CSU Public Health Forum.
Please note: you must have an approved plan and have completed the pre-capstone Canvas course before you will be permitted to enroll in PBHC 6980.
To be eligible for the ColoradoSPH at UNC capstone course (CH686/CHBH6860) and to receive a registration code, you must:
Develop an approved capstone proposal and submit required documents prior to enrolling in the ColoradoSPH at UNC capstone course.
Funding resources
We encourage our students to explore funding resources for their practicum and/or capstone. Students may apply for funding opportunities including, but not limited to:
To learn more about these funding opportunities and how to apply, please
visit the financing your education page.
We encourage you to work with your practicum host site, when possible.
You'll need to develop a capstone proposal and learning plan with feedback from your preceptor. In the plan, describe activities and related public health competencies that you will focus on during your capstone. Obtain signatures from your preceptor and your academic advisor on the final version of your plan.
Submit your completed proposal to For current deadlines, please contact you have an approved capstone plan, you will need to enroll in the capstone course—CH686/CHBH6860.
During this course, you will complete your capstone project. You, and fellow students from other concentrations, will present the results of your project in a variety of formats including oral presentation, written report, abstract, and poster at the ColoradoSPH Public Health Forum and UNC Research Day.
Please note: you must have an approved plan and have attended the mandatory orientation meeting before you will be permitted to enroll in CH686/CHBH6860.
Patti Valverde