Practicum Information for Students

Resources for MPH and DrPH students


During your practicum, you'll gain real-world experience working in public health for a community host site. It's a great opportunity to develop and deepen your public health skills, see how the theory you're learning in the classroom applies in practice, and improve your understanding of the challenges and opportunities that public health professionals face.

For our MPH students, the practicum experience is a chance to get your feet wet and try out what you've been learning. For our DrPH students, the practicum is an important opportunity to demonstrate and deepen your leadership skills.

Host site selection advice

Our practice-based learning courses (practicum and capstone) are designed to allow students to apply their knowledge and skills in a public health setting, acquire additional skills, and demonstrate competencies. Therefore, we strongly discourage students from completing their practicum and/or capstone at their current place of employment. Students who are considering a practicum placement and/or capstone project at their current place of employment, should reach out to their campus contact to discuss the opportunity. To explore funding opportunities and scholarships, please visit the financing your education page.

Course sequence advice for MPH students

We recommend that MPH students complete their practicum (PUBH 6606) prior to completing their capstone. Please review the eligibility requirements and "steps to complete" sections below—and complete the required steps—before registering for the practicum course.

Students whose home campus is CU Anschutz are required to take two capstone courses—first, the capstone preparation course (BIOS/EPID/EHOH/HSMP/CBHS 6990) and then the capstone integration course (PUBH 6991).


Eligibility requirements


Practicum requirements

MPH students must complete 120+ hours* of public health fieldwork and a 2 credit academic course for their practicum. DrPH students must complete a minimum of 240 contact hours and 4 credit hours.

*Please note: ColoradoSPH at UNC students are required to complete 150 hours. Dual degree programs may require additional practicum hours. Please consult the Dual Degree Handbook on the calendars, policies & handbooks webpage for specific requirements.


Steps to complete

Approved proposal required prior to registration

You must first submit a practicum proposal prior to registering for the practicum course. Once approved, you will receive a registration code. After you have registered for the practicum course, you may begin logging the required hours for your practicum.


Review the eligibility and practicum requirements and recommendations listed above. Please contact your advisor as you begin preparing for your practicum to ensure you're completing any additional requirements that are specific to your degree program.

Funding resources

We encourage our students to explore funding resources for their practicum and/or capstone. Students may apply for funding opportunities including, but not limited to:

  • The Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center Student Leaders in Public Health Program
  • Center for Global Health scholarships
  • The Boucher-Daugherty Rural Health Award (only open to ColoradoSPH at UNC students)

To learn more about these funding opportunities and how to apply, please visit the financing your education page.

MPH students

Research host sites and connect with potential preceptors. After you've done your research, identify a practicum opportunity that you would like to pursue.

How to find a host site:

DrPH students

Please work with your academic advisor to identify a practicum opportunity that's aligned with your professional goals and interests.

Develop a practicum proposal with feedback from your preceptor.* In the plan, describe activities and potential products/deliverables that you will create during the practicum. Obtain signatures from your preceptor and your academic advisor on the final version of your practicum proposal.

Please find the latest learning plan and proposal templates and forms below, under the "forms" section.

*Important note: ColoradoSPH at UNC students are also required to attend a mandatory practicum orientation meeting. Please contact for current deadlines.

Home campus
Required materials
Upload documents in the Practicum and Capstone Essentials Canvas Course.
CU Anschutz

Please submit the following items as part of your practicum proposal:

  • Practicum Proposal
  • Resume
  • CITI certificates
Upload all practicum proposal documents under assignment in your Canvas PBL Primer course

Detailed instructions and current submission due dates are available in the CSU Canvas pre-practicum course. Please contact your faculty advisor with any questions.

Detailed instructions and current submission due dates are available in the CSU Canvas pre-practicum course. Please contact your faculty advisor with any questions.


Please submit the following items as part of your practicum proposal:

  • Practicum Proposal
  • Resume
  • Cover letter
  • CITI certificates

ColoradoSPH at UNC students are also required to attend a mandatory practicum orientation. Please contact for more information.

Submit your completed practicum proposal to


    Our practice-based learning coordinators will review and approve practicum proposal requests or provide feedback, if revisions are needed.

    Once your proposal is approved, you'll receive a code to register for the practicum course.

     Home campusCourse number to register for
    MPH students
    CU Anschutz
    PUBH 6606
    PBHC 6860
    DrPH students
    CU Anschutz
    PUBH 6850



    Practicum Proposal Deadlines, Forms & Resources

    Home campus
    U.S. experiences
    MPH students
    CU Anschutz

    Detailed instructions and current submission due dates are available in the Practicum & Capstone Essentials course


    Detailed instructions and current submission due dates are available in the CSU Canvas pre-practicum course. Please contact your faculty advisor with any questions.


    Materials are due the semester before you will complete your practicum. Please contact for current due dates.

    DrPH students
    CU Anschutz

    Detailed instructions and current submission due dates are available in the Practicum & Capstone Essentials course

    Practicum contacts

    CMS Login